Monday, March 31, 2008

@ work

painting the office

home depot

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Boston Pillow Fight: Copley Square

I had the opportunity to partake in international pillow fight day. See links below.

I got into the middle of the mayhem and took some pictures, here is one.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

work people

People from work, I am in the back. Nick took this picture. Dmitry Nikolayev "Nick"
works in our Ukraine branch and is visiting Boston for a couple of weeks.

Here is Jon, myself and Nick on St. Patrick's day.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pandora's New Box

Recently at work, I learned of a great site called pandora. ( This site provides free customizable radio stations of your favorite musical artists. You have to register with an email after a small trial period, but otherwise it is entirely free. Pandora creates playlists based upon your tastes, much like a NetFlix or Amazon offering similiar user content suggestions.

Friday, March 14, 2008

My Jesus is Missing

Someone stole the Jesus action figure from above my door in the apartment building. Desperate measures are being taken.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Easter Time

No explanation necessary.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Taxes and Unicorns

My taxes are filed. I owe federal and Indiana taxes. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts owes me $41.08. I just wish I mailed a check, instead of paying online. That way I could have tried out my new flower embossed checks with the old timey calligraphic script of my name. It's so beautifully tacky I would post an image of it, if not for fear of theft. I should note my choice was embossed flowers, kittens, nature, etc. OR the plethora of new england sports themed checks (patriots, red sox, celtics, bruins. . .) After I was told there was no Peyton Manning riding a mighty steed into the sunset, I opted for the flowers.

Monday, March 3, 2008

cool song

Here is a song that has been stuck in my head by a guy name M.Ward.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

caving under pressure / or how I learned to stop projecting and love the blog

I came, I saw, I joined the blogsphere. No cute babies to post, only verbal hulabaloo. . . for now.

What my hill looked like this morning. I live under the lightpole on 2/3rd lefthand side.